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Possible Consequences of a DUI

In our years of serving as a DUI attorney to the community of Carrollton Georgia we’ve seen the impacts DUI's can have on people’s lives.  While some penalties carry a larger long term impact than others, a DUI is a serious criminal offense and one that can dramatically change your life forever.  Here are a few potential consequences of a DUI:

Loss of License –
One of the impacts a DUI can have on your life is a suspension of your license.  This can even happen more than once.  When suspected of being under the influence of alcohol you’ll be asked to submit to an alcohol screening.  If you fail this screening your license could be taken by the officer as an “administrative license suspension” preventing you from continuing driving while over the legal limit.  This suspension can still be applied even if you decline a breath, blood or urine test at the time of the incident.
Another way your license can be suspended is as a result of your criminal sentencing.  Many states including Georgia suspend a license for 1 year for a first offense DUI.  If you receive a second offense in the 5 years following the initial DUI ruling your license could be suspended for 3 years, and for a third offense could be suspended for 5 years. 

Increased Insurance Rates
– Under zero-tolerance laws in many states, if you’re convicted of a DUI your insurance rates will indefinitely increase.  Some insurance providers can increase your payments by more than double the amount you were paying, and some providers can drop your insurance all together depending on your individual driving record.  In many cases SR-22 insurance is provided as an only option for those with a DUI and must be carried a minimum of 3 years and often is the only coverage DUI drivers are able to carry. 

Jail Time – One of the largest consequences for a DUI is jail time.  While penalties vary from state to state, many require some mandatory jail time for a DUI conviction.  Depending on your blood alcohol at the time of the stop you could accrue larger jail penalties for higher levels of alcohol in your system.  While some may get off with community service, the majority of DUI offenses can lead to jail time.

Ignition Interlock Device
– Another possible consequence of a DUI includes the installation of an ignition interlock device.  This is installed by a judge’s ruling.  This device is installed on your car.  It requires the driver to pass a breathe test prior to starting the car.  A pre-determined limit is set for the driver and must be met before the car is able to be started.  While these devices do allow for a more normal way of life following a DUI conviction, they aren’t provided for many DUI offenders and are often used in the case of minor offenses.

Loss of Job –
another major consequence a DUI conviction can carry in the long term is loss of current and future employment.  Considering the penalties surrounding a DUI including potential jail time, driving restrictions and community service it’s likely there will be conflicts with these restrictions and your employment schedule.  The more conflicts with your schedule the more likely your employer is to fire you.  If you do lose your job its likely new positions will require criminal background checks that often times influence hiring decisions.   

A DUI isn’t worth ruining your life.  At James B Head Law we know how important it is to protect your individuals rights in times of need and we look to provide the best defense possible.  If you’ve been charged with a DUI it’s important to have an attorney; that’s why we’re here.  Contact us today for a free initial consultation and see how we can help you.
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Our law office is located across the street from the Carroll County Courthouse in Carrollton, Georgia.

Mailing Address:
James B. Head, Attorney at Law
310 B Newnan Street
Carrollton, GA 30117

©2024 James B. Head, Attorney at Law
310 B Newnan Street
Carrollton, GA 30117
Phone: 770-838-7829
Fax: 770-838-1337
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